Sunday, January 10, 2010

Spoke Too Soon

I should have known better.

In my last post for 2009, I mentioned how I have not been sick since I resumed running in 2007. On Thursday, less than a week later, I felt the unmistakable tingle of a sore throat. By Friday, I had a slight, but persistent sniffle. Yesterday, I decided against running because this illness had evolved into a pesky cough.

Since Thursday, I have not lost any sleep, nor have I lost my appetite. I have not had a fever. My symptoms have been and continue to be minor...just enough to be a nuisance. On one hand, I really feel I should run. On the other, I would hate to make my illness worse...especially because the illness seems to be racing through my body without affecting my ability to work or play.

I still feel an annoying tickle in my lungs. If I talk for any significant amount of time, I start to cough. Though I still feel I can run, I would be surprised if I could last a 20 miler. Based upon my training schedule, I am due for such a run. This is the first weekend since Thanksgiving that I have fallen short.

I decide to play it safe.

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